What Is The Best Car Loan Interest Rates? There is a huge selection of places to get car loans, so how do you know if you are getting the best interest rates? You should not just stop at the first provider you approach, and there are a few different avenues you can approach to get car loans, so look around. Using a Professional Finance Broker As a car finance broker has access to more than one lender, they can often select the right product for you. A question that a professional finance broker may ask is “How do you know that you are getting the best product for you, if it is the only product available?” By having multiple lenders available on their panel, they have access to multiple products, and this can save you a lot of time going from financier to financier in search of the right deal. A professional finance broker can ensure that you get the best car loan interest rates applicable to your personal circumstances, and they should be able to place you with the correct lender without accessing your credit file multiple times, like you may end up doing if you go it alone. Other Car Loan Features Although the interest rate is important, it is not the only thing you should consider when taking out your next car loan. You should also consider all the features of your car loan including any entry, exit or ongoing fees and then compare your repayment amount on the same borrow amount and loan term to get a real good picture of your overall car loan package and the best way to compare side by side with any other offerings. You may also want a car loan that is flexible and allows you to choose exactly how and where you purchase your car from, as some car loans may have some restrictions on how old the vehicle is and where it can be purchased from. This is also where a good professional car loan broker can assist with selecting the best car loan product for you. So What About The Best Car Loan Interest Rates? As each client’s individual circumstances and car purchase are going to be different, each applicant’s car loan interest rates would vary, so the best way to find out what the best interest rates for you are to speak to a professional that can understand what you are trying to achieve, and they can also assess your personal situation ensuring they find the best overall deal tailored to you. Get a quote